Tuesday, 22 March 2016

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Are you Male or Female?
This is not the exact result I was expecting to get from review for my music vide as I was expecting a more male dominant audience but I am glad that it did reach a wider audience and helped me understand more about my audience and if I were to do this again, I would be able to make it more suited for both genders but still remain true to what I want with the more dominant audience gender in mind.
What Is Your Age?
The age of my audience was quite similar to what I was expecting it to be as I had a feeling that there would not be many if any people above the age of 34 which was true apart from a few in the age bracket of 45 to 54 which was quite a surprise to me but due to my survey being posted on my Facebook, It may have been an older family member so I could class this as an anomaly but it may also be a genuine interest. I could only really find this out if I were to post it somewhere else that a wider audience and people I don't know could review it.
Can you tell that all of these products are part of the same projects? Why?
I got a very positive feedback form this question where 100% of people who replied to this question answered yes which shows that they can see continuity between my projects which means I feel I have achieved one of my goal, producing products that are visibly similar and promote one another.
Out of 10, What would you rate my Music Video?
I found that this question was very positive and helped me understand that my music video is of good quality and has good potential but could be improved in some way or another to reach a higher rating.
What do you think was good about my video and why? What do you think could be improved upon in my video and why?
This question helped me understand all of the things I was doing right and could keep if I were to do this again, such as the lip syncing being of good quality, good uses of shots and using the lyrics literally in visual ways. It also helped me however to know what it is that I should change about my video and what could have been done better such as the weather, lighting and time of my shots as well as some talking about parts of lip syncing but this is a problem I would have to learn to fix as when uploaded to youtube it was in sync however now when watched, some clips are out of time.
Out of 10, what would you rate my poster?
I had a very varied set of answers to this question as some people thought it lacked quite a lot and wasn't the same sort of quality as the video but others thought that it was really good and rated it highly such as 9 or 10 as seen at the to the right. I think that this shows that there are a lot of elements I should keep but to have all of my audience
What do you think was good about my video and why? What do you think could be improved upon in my video and why?
I think that the feedback I received on his question was the best in terms of what I could improve upon and what I could do to make it better, however there was still a lot of positive feedback which was nice to see. A lot of people seemed to say the same thing which was that it was quite bland and in some places boring to look at. I know that now if I were to do it again I would make sure to include more and try and spice it up a bit but still stay true to what I would want to see as an artist as it is a representation of what I want and how I feel
Out of 10, What would you rate my Digipak?
This was probably one of my best received products as it had the most people rate it 10 and the other, bar a couple, rated it 8 or 9 which is a good outcome and hows me that the audience were very pleased by what they have seen and would not change a lot about it and that they may feel that the standard is nearly or at the level of professional.
What do you think was good about my Digipak and why? What do you thin could be improved upon in my Digipak and why?
As previously stated, this probably my best received product and due to that their is not a massive amount of criticism however there is still some which is a good thing as it helps me know what to improve but also all of the positive helps me know I have done well and that I could use a lot of the ideas again, The main thing that was critiqued on this however was that some of the pages were not as eye catching as others and that could draw someone away however this is something that could be quite easily fixed and most of the other feedback was kind and things people said was good.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In this answer I am going to be talking about what conventions I have used, what I have challenged from the rap genre and why I have done this. First I am going to talk about all of the genres in rap music that I decided to include into my music video, then I will talk about which conventions I have challenged and explain why I have chosen to do what I have done, then I will talk about what I have borrowed from other genres to incorporate.

The first convention I have used from the rap genre to incorporate into my video is the use of casual/working class clothing. I felt like this was something that would make it seem more relate able to the target audience and it helps bring the star down to the same level of that of the audience rather than being seen as very smart and wearing a suit, it helps humanise the star and makes them seem like they are more like them and if they were seen like that in person then                                                                                           more approachable.
The next is the camera shots that have been used. The reason that this is similar is that there is a lot of close up and mid shots of me lip syncing to the song which is very stereotypical of that of the rap genre as it helps show off star image which is something I was trying to get across when filming mine.

I also incorporated the use of using an emotional connection with the audience through the lyrics and the expressions given across by the star, I feel its quite obvious to see the feeling that are being put across in my video and I feel that it is very effective and help draw in the audience and keeps then watching.

Similar to the previous I have incorporated rapping straight into the camera. I used this to help the previous statement which was to help connect with the audience more. I think it was very effective and with what is being said I think it has worked very well and will draw in the target audience better than if there was a performance or heavy narrative.

A spider diagram showing the Norms/Conventions of Rap Music Videos (Not my own):

I decided to challenge the convention of including Violence, sex and drugs as I felt that this wasn't a key feature to my song and I didn't think that it was appropriate to include into a video that I was making for school. I do think that in some aspects of rap videos this can be a key thing and help make the video stand out more and define what genre it is from however this was not true with my video and therefore I decided not to include it and challenge the norm of rap music videos.

Also I decided to not include the usual props for my video, such as gold chains, money and fast cars. I felt that this wouldn't be necessary and would take away from the serious nature of the video and maybe make it feel a bit cheap and like it is trying too hard to be in the rap genre. Another reason was because I didn't have a budget for my video so therefore I wouldn't have been able to even if I wanted to. I decided to challenge this then and I feel that this was the correct choice and I am glad I didn't do it.

The last major convention I challenged that is usually seen in rap music videos was the sexualisation of women. Like previously stated, I didn't want to do anything that would be seen as either offensive or just not seen as appropriate for school. Also due to the songs sadder and less sexual lyrics to that of many other rap songs, it was quite easy to challenge this connection however I decided to take it a step further and didn't include any women in the video at all. There were a few reasons for this decision such as there being no point to have any women in the video, more people meaning less reliability and availability when filming but ultimately I wanted my video to stand out and do something others wouldn't normally do so I decided that this would be the best move for my video.

In conclusion there are many conventions in the rap genre that can be used to define what a rap video is compared to that of almost any other genre and although I feel I have been brave and taken a step away from the norms and gone for what may be seen as a sadder but definitely slower rap song, I feel it has had a very positive outcome among my audience and I still think that you can tell the genre from the video which is one of the key things I aimed to do.